Publab Issue Three Cover: 2020

Digital | 2018 | 1000 x 1000 pixels
Artist’s Statement:
My work is a process.
The content of any of my works is purposefully satirical, political, philosophical, sexual or personal which I present in my own way. It is consciously made to titillate and affect a reaction. In any kind of medium, be it digital collages/sculptures/graphics/painting, there is no specific process. It is easy to talk about the technical process of working in terms of tools and method but not how an actual artwork manifests itself. My mind while creating is like an empty glass, anything you fill inside it takes its form.
The mental process to arrive at this stage has been quite cruel. In the beginning when I started out I began with painting but sculpting happened much later. All my digital works are sculptures in a sense which are done in that medium to achieve immediate results and are not restricted by time. When I select a few images out of thousands to make a piece of collage it means there is a strong filter inside that makes me gravitate towards certain kinds of images. While sculpting, I try to not imitate anything I have seen and think about things that are subconsciously ingrained within me. Images of rotting bones and flesh, decaying organic matter is something that triggers reactions from people. Something like an intestine stuffed inside a shoe is beyond anything we see around us. The effect of any kind of art on the artist can be either calming or… in my case, depends on the medium I am handling. It has a “you do not know the unspoken voice of sorrow.”

Nachiket Prakash is an Indian-born artist, art educator, art manager and art curator in Pune, India. Since graduating in fine art, he has actively been a part of the art community in the country. He sees himself as an art promoter exploring and combining new media while collaborating with established as well as with upcoming artists.
Throughout his life, Nachiket has resisted the impulses of popular beliefs surrounding art and life. He likes to offer his audience a view into this unique gaze, and recommends that his work be viewed as an impersonal and objective engagement with the world. A wide spectrum of dense human personalities continues to inspire his work. Check out Nachiket’s Instagram.